Nicole, I'm siding with Jim and Preston. There are other ways to market one's self. If you name is associated with $5 giveaways, then there is no way a client will be happy with a $200 sitting fee.

I have a very good relationship with my vet. I asked him if I could up some of my photos in his waiting area. He had nothing to do, we came in on a weekend while the staff was tending to the patients and the waiting room was empty. I originally asked if we would could leave the gallery up for 4 months. After about 6 weeks I changed a couple of the images. Now, he wants to keep it longer. The old pictures on his wall had been there for YEARS. This keeps it fresh and keeps my name in front of a pet loving clientele.

The clients love, the staff loves it and we have had several referrals. All it cost me was the image printing, several "cheap" (but classic) frames and a small business card holder mounted on the wall next to an image. (Taking up none of their limited counter space.) -- Doug