Hi Holly,
I guess my first question for you is this your first business? If it is then welcome to the world of marketing.

The next question you need to ask yourself is what is your vision for your business? What you are going to offer and in what form, prints, digital... is all a part of your brand. Do you want clients seeing un-edited work or seeing only the best you can offer? You need to figure out who is your perfect client and then figure out how to attract them. It isn't easy, I've been struggling with this. I know my client but I'm still trying to figure out how to best reach them.

Looking at your blog makes me believe you like the environmental portrait more than the studio look. There are plenty of people in this country that are making a living in pet portraits without going the studio route. (ex. shine pets, cowbelly, dane+dane) Online sales are never as successful as in person, projection sales so you have to consider how that works without an office/studio if you go that route.

If you are going to be a signature brand photographer, not a freelance photographer, then you need to have a clear vision, a plan and most importantly become a marketer.

You're not alone, lots of us are trying to figure this out too. But we each have a different goal so our paths can never be the same, you have to forge your own that best suits your vision. I wish there was a roadmap but it isn't that easy.

I hate to end on that so I'll add that you should just keep at it, asking, shooting, sharing. Find 1 step that will go where you want and take it, then the next step will appear and take that.


Bark "Cheese"