If the decision process is logical and cerebral, the process of making sure the product is up to snuff is at least equally so. The lens arrived today and I took about an hour to test it out in a "real world" environment. Now, I can and do shoot newsprint at various focal lengths and apertures in the back yard to test overall sharpness and focus accuracy. I have a 7D. It has micro-focus adjustment. I'd be crazy not to test out every lens to see if they need any adjustment.

However, there is more to a great lens than the ability to resolve newsprint at 50 yards. There are things like color quality, micro contrast, bokeh. And the other things like ergonomics which is very important for a lens that will be used for action photography. So, today's test was to see how well the lens handles and what the overall images look like. I went to one of my favorite places, The Orlando Wetlands Park. There are all kinds of wildlife there: birds, mammals, flowers, insects and, uh, other kinds of wildlife as well.

Now, I shot the sign for its overall humor but it also makes a great subject for testing sharpness at f5.6. I shot another sign at F9 for the same reason.

I didn't see any Alligators on this visit but I did see lots of other wildlife. But, first, here's a wide view of a section of the wetlands.

Right at the beginning of the trail, I spotted an Ibis and took a portrait of him.

I usually see many more birds of prey than I was able to spot today so I started looking -- and shooting -- small. Here's a Butterfly I spotted.

And here's what I refer to as a living Biplane.

And, finally, a Thistle with a resident pollenator.

I did not use any extension tubes nor did I use my 1.4 Telextender today. My intention was to test the lens at various focal lengths and at all apertures. Tomorrow, I'll do the scientific (not to mention dull) stuff. But, so far, the lens has met or exceeded my expectations. Oh, and it handles like brand new.


Jim Garvie