actually, $600/full day is pretty much the norm. They charge $350 for a half-day. Lakota, in NJ, charges $300 for 2 hrs. Again, it's a matter of what the Preserve allows and what it provides in terms of a photo experience. Seacrest, which is the only Wolf Preserve in the SE United States, provides a full day inside the enclosure with guide(s) and no fencing between you and the wolves. They also require a signed liability release so whether you want to go into the enclosure depends on your own risk profile smile.

As you know, I'm an avid canine enthusiast and I currently own 5 Rottweilers. I tend to be a little less intimidated by the prospect of being face-to-face with a wolf than some others might be. As I said, it's something I'd like to do and whether or not I get the opportunity to do it will be a matter of availability: of both time and disposable income.


Jim Garvie