April 30 National Park News:

Kobuck Valley National Park News:
New study finds Alaska wetlands shrinking
A team of geoscientists based out of Texas have added to the growing number of studies pointing to a warming Arctic climate. Using newly available remote-sensing technology, scientists at the Southwest Research Institute found the Ahnewetut Wetlands in Kobuk Valley National Park, located in Nouthwest Alaska, have experienced an accelerated loss of surface water over the past 30 years

Misc. National Park News:
Updated: NPCA President Tom Kiernan Leaves For American Wind Energy Association
National Parks Conservation Association President Tom Kiernan, who three years ago was ready to leave the park advocacy group to head a charity in New Hampshire, has been hired as chief executive officer of the American Wind Energy Association.

Outside the US/Canadian Park System:
Got anything interesting for me to eat? Thieving elephant who targets tourists for their lunches
Gemunu the elephant's thieving ways are making him notorious in Yala National Park

Rocky Mountain National Park News:
Rocky Mountain National Park prepares for fire season
A test of fitness in a dry land
Boots tromp and clump along the paved Lake Estes Trail. Prospective wildland firefighters joke and talk, and just start to breath a bit heavier. This is the start of the "Arduous Pack Test."

Yellowstone National Park News:
Yellowstone Park plowing effort marks milestone
A breakthrough Monday for plowing crews in Yellowstone National Park