Hey Everyone,

I am heading off tomorrow for a week to Yosemite National Park to do a half loop of the high camps. As a result, there will be no site updates. In addition, new members will not be able to be confirmed until I return.

I have some new products to rest review, which will be cool. Hunts has arranged for us to pick up a MeFoto Tripod (the Globe Trekker) which we will be using for the week. It looks like a really nice product.

Also, I got a new Petzl - this one has a red light and is brighter than the one I currently own.

It should be a fun trip! I went to REI the other day with my bag fully packed, with all of my gear (including photo gear). I think the whole bag will way about 40 pounds at the end of the day. Yuck...for 5 days. LOL, if no one hears back from me, please send out the dogs...hopefully one with a barrel of coffee or something.
