JM: Before concluding this article, I would like to take a moment and bring everyone's attention to a peer-reviewed spending analysis of national park visitors across the country conducted by Michigan State University for the National Park Service. This shows the impacts of the National Parks at the macro level. For 2011, that report shows $13 billion of direct spending by 279 million park visitors in communities within 60 miles of a national park. That visitor spending had a $30 billion impact on the entire U.S. economy and supported 252,000 jobs nationwide. The National parks are ranked eighth among America’s top domestic travel destinations according to Forbes. A recent article (dated 2/25/13) on the Department of Interior website on the economic engine of the National Parks can be found here:

I am a big supporter of the National Parks. My love of the national parks, and particularly Grand Teton and Yellowstone, has been one of the catalysts of this forum. I was devastated when the park closed during our annual pilgrimage. It is a family trip that we all look forward to each year.

I realize that it is comparatively small compared to the many small businesses, government employees and visitors who are currently being impacted by its closure. I hope that if we all call and make it known to our local politicians that this is not OK that we can all help make this end - sooner - rather than later.