Hey Jim,

Every day I get more attached to Capture One. The cool thing about Capture One is that it was the first to allow you to do masking layers in your post processing (not sure if Adobe et al are now doing this). A perfect example of the utility of this is a couple of brindle mastiffs and a some brindle frenchies that some clients wanted on black backdrops. If it were not for the opportunity to quickly mask the files and brighten accordingly, I think the job would have been much harder in PS in fixing the .jpg file. It is pretty remarkable how effective it is. I will try (operative word) to post some samples in the pro forum as I am not yet ready to post anything here yet.

I have not used Lightroom in ages, so I cannot really speak about it as an alternative, and my last use of DXO was version 8 (which I did not like as a whole, even though I liked a bunch of the features).
