Yes, I've seen Helmi Flick's setup (and read the interview in here and several other writeups about her and other pet photographers, and talked to her and Ken). It appears they use a separate background and cover on the posing stand. Which is what we're currently using. Ours is 54" wide, and we light similarly to what they're doing Our system works, but we get a line (visible separation) between the stand and the background.

It's not a big problem, but when I do product photography, I typically use a light tent and a single continuous piece for the background and area under the product. No line, and a smooth lighting transition. But, products sit there quietly. The cats we're photographing don't.

Since we have to be mobile - most of our portraits are in show halls - everything has to get small and pack easily in the car. Or worse, somehow be carried or shipped when we have to fly to an event.

Thus, my question about a way to have a single, continuous sheet behind and under the subject, but have it supported so as the cat(s) move, they don't go through the backdrop.

I haven't figured out anything that would work within our limitations, so I thought I'd stop by and ask the experts in here.

James, your response about there being more efficient ways has made me curious. Can you elaborate? Or are you talking about using a separate backdrop and stand cover? Or something else?
