For the past two years a pair of Cooper's Hawks have been regularly frequenting our front yard where they like to sit on a branch of our Texas Olive tree and enjoy a relaxing lunch. Sometimes it is a dove, sometimes a lizard. For a while this Summer they were joined by one of their offspring, which has stopped showing up of late. I assume he has struck out on his own. Junior was pretty skittish, but Mom & Dad have become accustomed to us, so now we can watch them through the front windows and even come & go out the front door without disturbing them. Unfortunately, that trust does not extend to allowing me to point a camera at them, so pictures are limited to shooting through the tinted double pane windows.

Mom & Pop together:

I think this is Pop, but I'm not sure:

Today Mom ventured up to the flower bed under the Dining Room window where the lizards like to hunt bugs. She seemed to be as interested in watching us as we were in watching her.