
It starts out as lucky, next time you'll be "Lucky" a few more times, then soon it switches over from luck to something more consistent, and well, that feels good.
Yeah, I experienced that a little bit yesterday. It was nice to have more than just 1 or 2, or maybe even none, to be good.

In this case a Tripod would have helped you. Since you were not chasing him all over the plant, you could have setup and then at least eliminated your wobbliness. I know some of us can be fairly stable, but when you get all twisted and contorted into awkward positions, ones ability to stand still suffers:)

I know what you mean. The orange spider was hanging upside down at about eye level. I put a knee down on the ground under him to shoot and felt too low so I tried to shoot while squating (pretty sight) but could't remain steady so I went back to the knee on the ground which worked out fine.

Thank you, Dean