
I had 6 minutes per client. The room was full of cats, dogs, and I had an annoyingly bossy and counterproductive person running the show. She would bring the next clients into my area as I was shooting

It was good to get ears and the animal to stay still. PJ style wasn't an option. Most owners had no desire to be in the shots. They wanted pet photos only.

If I had a relaxed atmosphere and plenty of time, I would have done things differently. What I did have was a gymnasium full of animals, a pit bull fight, cats so freaked they peed themselves and helpers who did their best, but really didn't know how to help.

If it is a male, its got a penis, in a 6 min span with owners wanting 2 to 3 backdrops, you get what you can get. Hard to get really good lighting when you don't have time to adjust it.

Julie, first off you did a great job under the circumstances. When I did school photography, I had 15 to 30 seconds to get a photo and that was with the choice of 6 backgrounds. What I used for 6 backgrounds was ONE dark gray background with some texture to it (canvas). My background light had gel holder in it. When I went to get a kid, I would ask on the way to the poser what color background they wanted it. As the kid got into the poser, I would insert the correct gel into the background light. It takes all of 10 seconds to walk to the background light and change gels. Under these circumstances, I would offer 1 choice instead of 2 or 3. With the luxury of 6 minutes, with this setup it wouldn't take any time to change gels for 2 or 3 background choices. Also I will share a secret to getting the attention of any dog, cat, ferret or any other predator. Use an electronic game call along with the varmit calling SD card. You will get the immediate attention of any predator. I prefer the rabbit call myself. put the speaker behind you at low volume and they will look into the camera with the utmost attention (perfect pose). DO NOT USE THIS METHOD WITH RABBITS OR ANY OTHER PREY ANIMAL TYPE OF PET.

David Ramey Photography