Thanks Peggy and James. Yes, that right side horn is broken off, and the left one is way outa-wack! That's why I took the tight shots of her, without those quircks, I'm not sure I would even have given her the time of day. . .

By tech stuff I assume you mean like camera settings.

I always custom set my cameara before EVERY shoot (important note: ALL cameras, even within the same family, act different and produce different results, even with the same settings). I custsom set my camera based on what I see for light and what I want as an end file (remember, I shoot JPG's most so all these setting really make a difference - and, I'm not the greatest in PS nor do I like the computer side of things very much so I almost never shoot RAW for wildlife) therefore, in camera settings can be helpful. If you go monkeying around with settings, and you use on or more of your cameras for different things, you MUST remember to change the settings. The settings are based on the available light, and my needs for an image.

If I were to use those same settings, still shooting jpg, under hot or direct light, they would have been way overdone on the color side, so just remember to check the settings everytime you pick up the camera and make the right adjustments depending on the light youre shooting it. It's like flyfishing, you have to practice and you have to pay attention to the environment in order to know what fly to pick, and how to present it to the fish. . .

Here's what I had set when I took the shots (i think, its from memory).

Adobe Mode III (for enhanced color)
+ tone
+ saturation
+ sharpening
+ +3 hue (enhance the browns)
WB, cant remember, or maybe auto, or cloudy - just dont remember)
Manual exposure. . . , or appature and matrix - cant recall.
ISO 400