Canon 1D MKII, EF 500mm L lens with 1.4 extender (1.3X500X1.4=910mm). Very windy day with lots of dust and grit blowing around. From the Delicate Arch trailhead parking lot my son and I took the 4WD/dirt track that passes a series of mounds opposite Delicate Arch, which is maybe a bit less than a half mile away. I set everything up while inside the vehicle including the Wimberly side kick, ball head and tripod, wrapped the camera & lens with a fleece blanket, waited for a lull in the wind, scrambled up the mound, planted the tripod, aimed, focused and fired away. I was irritated when I noticed this pilgrim up on the ridge, leaning into the wind and moving toward the arch. I figured he was going to ruin my pictures! As he neared the arch the wind apparently became very strong and he stopped to braced himself against the force of it. I took this shot and the wind around me really whipped up so I covered my gear with the fleece and scampered back to the truck. Later I was amused and delighted to see that the fellow's pose mimmicked the shape of the arch - a small but happy victory!