

Cali was "pick" puppy according to 2 of our evaluators and she's a doll.
Enjoy those little balls of fur.


Hi Jim~
She's gorgeous! A natural, would you say?

I have the appointment with our evaluator, set for August 8.
They could go home that weekend, all depending on what we're left with evaluations wise! I THOUGHT I wanted a male....hmmmm...
Its easier to know who is going to the pet homes, and definately not "runner's", but, <sigh> ...
They all got baths today, for their first puppy therapy visit. And no, I didn't get any photos as I had two pups at a time in the tub!
Here is one we grabbed the other day..its to the point now, I HAVE the photos, I just don't have the time to get them filed!!
Have fun with the crew!