

About 50 percent of the originals were cropped. I couldn't fill the frame with the bug but did get as close as my focus would allow.
Here's my workflow:
I shoot only in Raw. I import all my photos via card reader into Lightroom which I use primarily for organizing. In Lightroom my photos are organized by location and Date shot. I use the loop view with magnifying to pick out those photos I think are worth a second look by marking them with 4 stars. Then I filter the directory to only look at 4 star photos. Out of them I pick out a few photos which I then import a copy into Photoshop CS2(CS3 is on order). In photoshop I do mostly cropping,curves,Unsharp mask-which I like better than smart mask, and printing on my Epson 2400.
I use Moab paper which I have IC profiles for my printer and my monitor is calibrated.
To get a photo ready for the web I need to "dumb" it down. I convert it to 8 bit, then convert from native .psd format to sRGB. I then use Image Ready(which in PS is linked via the Save image for Web tab) and reduce the size to 25-30 percent. Then I save it and import it into my photosharing site.Image Ready strips out the EXIF data.


Thanks for the info. It's a shame that ImageReady strips the EXIF. I spent about 5 min with PS trying to find a way to save the EXIF but it looks like Adobe doesn't think the EXIF needs to be saved for the web. What were they thinking?

Thanks again and great images.
